While browsing through the datasets, I found some weird things that I'll investigate in this notebook. I'll also have a look at some basic dataset statistics.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import cv2
import json
from os.path import join as pjoin
from IPython.display import HTML, display, clear_output
from IPython.html import widgets
In [2]:
import sklearn.preprocessing as skpp
In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
# Font which got unicode math stuff.
import matplotlib as mpl
mpl.rcParams['font.family'] = 'DejaVu Sans'
# Much more readable plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [4]:
import lbtoolbox.plotting as lbplt
In [5]:
datadir = './data/'
datafiles = {
'QMUL': 'QMULPoseHeads.json',
'Coffee': 'HOCoffee.json',
'ETH': 'HOC.json',
'HIIT': 'HIIT6HeadPose.json',
In [6]:
def loadfiles(data, basename, subsample=None):
def myloadim(fname):
im = cv2.imread(fname, flags=cv2.IMREAD_COLOR)
if im is None:
raise IOError("Couldn't load image " + fname)
# In OpenCV, color dimension is last, but theano likes it to be first.
# (That's map of triplets vs three maps philosophy.)
# Also convert BGR to RGB while we're at it. Not that it makes any difference.
return np.rollaxis(im[:,:,::-1], 2, 0).astype(np.float32)
return zip(*[[myloadim(pjoin(basename, name)), lbl, name] for lbl, files in data.items() for name in files if subsample is None or np.random.rand() < subsample])
def loadall(datadir, datafiles, **kw):
Xtr, Xte = {}, {}
ytr, yte = {}, {}
ntr, nte = {}, {}
le = {}
for name, fname in datafiles.items():
files = json.load(open(pjoin(datadir, fname)))
tr_imgs, tr_lbls, tr_names = loadfiles(files['train'], datadir, **kw)
te_imgs, te_lbls, te_names = loadfiles(files['test'], datadir, **kw)
le[name] = skpp.LabelEncoder().fit(tr_lbls)
Xtr[name] = np.array(tr_imgs)/255
Xte[name] = np.array(te_imgs)/255
ytr[name] = le[name].transform(tr_lbls).astype(np.int32)
yte[name] = le[name].transform(te_lbls).astype(np.int32)
ntr[name] = tr_names
nte[name] = te_names
return Xtr, Xte, ytr, yte, ntr, nte, le
Xtr, Xte, ytr, yte, ntr, nte, le = loadall(datadir, datafiles)
In [7]:
for k, v in Xtr.items():
print("{}: train {} {}(range {})".format(k, v.shape, v.dtype, np.ptp(v)))
for k, v in Xte.items():
print("{}: test {} {}(range {})".format(k, v.shape, v.dtype, np.ptp(v)))
In [8]:
from collections import Counter
f, _ = lbplt.showcounts(Counter(le['QMUL'].inverse_transform(ytr['QMUL'])),
Counter(le['QMUL'].inverse_transform(yte['QMUL'])), labels=('Training', 'Testing'),
percent=False, legendkw={'loc': 'lower right'})
In [9]:
In [10]:
fig, axes = lbplt.subplotgrid_for(2, axis=False)
a = Xtr['QMUL'][ntr['QMUL'].index('QMULPoseHeads/train/Data_f/001633.jpg')]
b = Xtr['QMUL'][ntr['QMUL'].index('QMULPoseHeads/train/Data_f/001633 - Copy.jpg')]
lbplt.imshow(a, colordim=0, ax=axes[0])
lbplt.imshow(b, colordim=0, ax=axes[1])
In [11]:
def checkdubs(names, X, hint):
ncopy = 0
for i, name in enumerate(names):
if hint in name:
iother = names.index(name.replace(hint, ''))
except ValueError:
ncopy += 1
delta = np.max(np.abs(X[i]-X[iother]))
if delta > 0.0:
print('{}: {}'.format(name, delta))
print('Total of {} copies, of which only the above (if any) differ.'.format(ncopy))
checkdubs(ntr['QMUL'], Xtr['QMUL'], hint=' - Copy')
checkdubs(nte['QMUL'], Xte['QMUL'], hint=' - Copy')
In [12]:
checkdubs(ntr['QMUL'], Xtr['QMUL'], hint='_f')
checkdubs(nte['QMUL'], Xte['QMUL'], hint='_f')
So it looks like those guys aren't duplicates, at least not by filename.
In [13]:
def flipdists_within(X, y, lbl):
indices = np.where(y == lbl)[0]
n = len(indices)
flipdists = np.full((n,n), -1)
progress = widgets.IntProgressWidget(value=0, min=0, max=n, description='Computing {:.2f}M flipdists:'.format(n*(n-1)/2/1000/1000))
for i, idx1 in enumerate(indices):
for j, idx2 in enumerate(indices[i:]):
j += i
flipdists[i,j] = flipdists[j,i] = np.mean(np.abs(X[idx1] - np.fliplr(X[idx2])))
progress.value += 1
return flipdists
In [14]:
flipdists_front = flipdists_within(Xtr['QMUL'], ytr['QMUL'], le['QMUL'].transform('front'))
np.sum(flipdists_front < 0.01)
In [15]:
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_front, vmin=0, vmax=1)
In [16]:
flipdists_back = flipdists_within(Xtr['QMUL'], ytr['QMUL'], le['QMUL'].transform('back'))
np.sum(flipdists_back < 0.01)
In [17]:
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_back, vmin=0, vmax=1)
In [18]:
flipdists_background = flipdists_within(Xtr['QMUL'], ytr['QMUL'], le['QMUL'].transform('background'))
np.sum(flipdists_background < 0.01)
In [19]:
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_background, vmin=0, vmax=1)
Looks like there's no (almost) perfect flip.
In [20]:
def flipdists_across(X, y, lbl1, lbl2):
indices1 = np.where(y == lbl1)[0]
indices2 = np.where(y == lbl2)[0]
n1, n2 = len(indices1), len(indices2)
flipdists = np.full((n1,n2), -1)
progress = widgets.IntProgressWidget(value=0, min=0, max=n1, description='Computing {:.2f}M flipdists:'.format(n1*n2/1000/1000))
for i, idx1 in enumerate(indices1):
for j, idx2 in enumerate(indices2):
flipdists[i,j] = np.mean(np.abs(X[idx1] - np.fliplr(X[idx2])))
progress.value += 1
return flipdists
In [21]:
flipdists_lr = flipdists_across(Xtr['QMUL'], ytr['QMUL'], le['QMUL'].transform('left'), le['QMUL'].transform('right'))
In [22]:
np.sum(flipdists_lr < 0.01)
In [23]:
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_lr, vmin=0, vmax=1)
In [24]:
from collections import Counter
f, _ = lbplt.showcounts(Counter(le['Coffee'].inverse_transform(ytr['Coffee'])),
Counter(le['Coffee'].inverse_transform(yte['Coffee'])), labels=('Training', 'Testing'),
percent=False, legendkw={'loc': 'lower right'})
In [25]:
In [26]:
fig, axes = lbplt.subplotgrid_for(6, axis=False)
a = Xtr['Coffee'][ntr['Coffee'].index('HOCoffee/Coffebreak6HeadPose/train/Data_frlf/head (4).jpg')]
b = Xtr['Coffee'][ntr['Coffee'].index('HOCoffee/Coffebreak6HeadPose/train/Data_frlf/head (4).png')]
lbplt.imshow(a, colordim=0, ax=axes[0,0])
lbplt.imshow(b, colordim=0, ax=axes[0,1])
lbplt.imshow(np.abs(a-b)[0], ax=axes[1,0])
lbplt.imshow(np.abs(a-b)[1], ax=axes[1,1])
lbplt.imshow(np.abs(a-b)[2], ax=axes[1,2])
In [27]:
def checkdubs2(names, X):
ncopy = 0
for i, name in enumerate(names):
if name.endswith('.jpg'):
iother = names.index(name.replace('.jpg', '.png'))
except ValueError:
ncopy += 1
delta = np.max(np.abs(X[i]-X[iother]))
if delta < 0.01:
print('{}: {}'.format(name, delta))
print('Total of {} copies, of which only the above (if any) are the same.'.format(ncopy))
checkdubs2(ntr['Coffee'], Xtr['Coffee'])
So it seems none of the two are the same!
In [28]:
In [29]:
flipdists_front = flipdists_within(Xtr['Coffee'], ytr['Coffee'], le['Coffee'].transform('frnt'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_front, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_front < 0.01)
In [30]:
flipdists_rear = flipdists_within(Xtr['Coffee'], ytr['Coffee'], le['Coffee'].transform('rear'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_rear, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_rear < 0.01)
In [31]:
flipdists_lr = flipdists_across(Xtr['Coffee'], ytr['Coffee'], le['Coffee'].transform('left'), le['Coffee'].transform('rght'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_lr, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_lr < 0.01)
In [32]:
flipdists_flr = flipdists_across(Xtr['Coffee'], ytr['Coffee'], le['Coffee'].transform('frlf'), le['Coffee'].transform('frrg'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_flr, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_flr < 0.01)
In [33]:
from collections import Counter
f, _ = lbplt.showcounts(Counter(le['ETH'].inverse_transform(ytr['ETH'])),
Counter(le['ETH'].inverse_transform(yte['ETH'])), labels=('Training', 'Testing'),
percent=False, legendkw={'loc': 'lower right'})
In [34]:
In [35]:
fig, axes = lbplt.subplotgrid_for(6, axis=False)
a = Xte['ETH'][nte['ETH'].index('HOC/ETHZ4HumanPose/test/Test_b/norm_0002002 (3).jpg')]
b = Xte['ETH'][nte['ETH'].index('HOC/ETHZ4HumanPose/test/Test_b/norm_0002002.jpg')]
lbplt.imshow(a, colordim=0, ax=axes[0,0])
lbplt.imshow(b, colordim=0, ax=axes[0,1])
lbplt.imshow(np.abs(a-b)[0], ax=axes[1,0])
lbplt.imshow(np.abs(a-b)[1], ax=axes[1,1])
lbplt.imshow(np.abs(a-b)[2], ax=axes[1,2])
In [36]:
flipdists_front = flipdists_within(Xtr['ETH'], ytr['ETH'], le['ETH'].transform('front'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_front, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_front < 0.01)
In [37]:
flipdists_back = flipdists_within(Xtr['ETH'], ytr['ETH'], le['ETH'].transform('back'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_back, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_back < 0.01)
In [38]:
flipdists_lr = flipdists_across(Xtr['ETH'], ytr['ETH'], le['ETH'].transform('left'), le['ETH'].transform('right'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_lr, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_lr < 0.01)
In [39]:
from collections import Counter
f, _ = lbplt.showcounts(Counter(le['HIIT'].inverse_transform(ytr['HIIT'])),
Counter(le['HIIT'].inverse_transform(yte['HIIT'])), labels=('Training', 'Testing'),
percent=False, legendkw={'loc': 'lower right'})
In [40]:
In [41]:
flipdists_front = flipdists_within(Xtr['HIIT'], ytr['HIIT'], le['HIIT'].transform('frnt'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_front, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_front < 0.01)
In [42]:
flipdists_rear = flipdists_within(Xtr['HIIT'], ytr['HIIT'], le['HIIT'].transform('rear'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_rear, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_rear < 0.01)
In [43]:
flipdists_lr = flipdists_across(Xtr['HIIT'], ytr['HIIT'], le['HIIT'].transform('left'), le['HIIT'].transform('rght'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_lr, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_lr < 0.01)
In [44]:
flipdists_flr = flipdists_across(Xtr['HIIT'], ytr['HIIT'], le['HIIT'].transform('frlf'), le['HIIT'].transform('frrg'))
ax = lbplt.imshow(flipdists_flr, vmin=0, vmax=1)
np.sum(flipdists_flr < 0.01)